General Information
Proceedings of the International Conference on Automotive Industry is published on regular basis every two years as an conference output and is available as an open access (free of charge) publication via following links.
* These links will remain active even if the proceedings would not be longer published.
The whole publication is always in English.
Aims & Scope
Each Proceedings aims to create a space mainly for scientific audience, although we believe the topics can be interesting also for other professionals in the field. That’s the reason why we have choosen to go with the Proceedings as an open access publication, so everyone could reach it.
Publication Ethics
Prevention and avoiding any unlawful practises has been set as one of the priorities within the Proceedings publicating. All authors confirm the article originality by sending signedThe Declaration of Originality. Plagiarism is not tolerated.
• The declaration of originality (must be signed by all the authors)
Review Process
- The revision process is realized as a double blind peer review.
- Each full paper author will be given a filled form with the revision of his/her full paper.
- Based on this revision, in the case of any comments, recommendations, or the need to redo the full paper, the full paper will be edited by the author and sent back to the editor.
- The editor commits that all the revision will be made in accordance with the conference deadlines.
Author's Responsibilities
- responsible for following the
instructions for authors and formal requirements of the article,
- bear the responsibility that the
paper sent to Conference Proceedings of ICAI20xx was not simultaneously sent
for publication in other conference proceedings/journals,
- responsible for ensuring that the
article has not been published elsewhere,
- responsible for the proper citation
of the materials used and the proper statement of all the data sources,
- responsible for placing the
authorship of all the co-authors who participated in the preparation of the
article and that all co-authors have seen the version of the paper submitted to
the review process and agree with its content,
- required to immediately report any
serious errors and inaccuracies contained in the article,
- obliged to report any conflict of
Editor's Responsibilities
- content and overall technical quality responsibility,
- preventing potential conflicts of interest of authors and reviewers.
- ensuring the proper peer review process
- dealing with all the information regarding the submitted manuscripts as confidential.
Reviewer's Responsibilities
- on time review report,
- follow the objectivity standards,
- confidentiality,
- avoid possible conflicts of interest.
In the event that a journal’s publisher or editors are made aware of any allegation of research misconduct relating to a published article in their journal, the publisher or editor shall follow COPE’s guidelines (or equivalent) in dealing with allegations.
fees or waiver status do not influence editorial decision making.
Partners listed within the each conference year contribute usually financialy for publicating the proceedings. This does not influence the editorial decision making.
Advertising is not relevant for this publication.
Ownership, Management and Governing Body
Proceedings of the International Conference on Automotive Industry is published by ŠKODA AUTO VYSOKÁ ŠKOLA o.p.s. (ŠKODA AUTO University).
Every year of the Proceedings has its own Scientific Comitee.
Main Editor:
prof. Ing. Stanislav Šaroch, Ph.D.
Technical Editors:
Ing. Hana Čáslavová, MPA,
Ing. Věra Herčuthová,
RNDr. František Rozkot, CSc.
Editorial Office Contact:
Na Karmeli 1457, Mladá Boleslav, Czech Republic
Author Fees
ICAI 2020 Conference Fee - with Paper:
Early Bird 4 500 CZK/180 EUR by 30th April 2020
Regular 5 500 CZK/220 EUR after 30th April 2020
ICAI 2022 Conference Fee - with Paper:
Early Bird 5 500 CZK/220 EUR by 17th April 2022
Regular 6 500 CZK/260 EUR after 17th April 2022
ICAI 2024 Conference Fee - with Paper:
Early Bird 6 000 CZK/250 EUR by 12th April 2024
Regular 7 500 CZK/315 EUR after 12th April 2024
The participation fee is for a paper 8 pages in length; each additional page costs 250 CZK/10 EUR.
The editor reserves the right to charge a fee for technical corrections where there is a discrepancy between the paper and the template and non-compliance with the formal requirements during the final review process. The technical fee for the paper costs 250 CZK/10 EUR.