Admission Procedure
How does the admission procedure at ŠAU take place?
How to proceed when submitting an application?
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The conditions for admission
Applicants for Bachelor’s and follow-on Master’s degree programmes and specializations in the Czech language are admitted WITHOUT ENTRANCE EXAMS. To be admitted to studies at Škoda Auto University, the applicants are required to have achieved full secondary or full secondary vocational education completed by a school-leaving examination or to have graduated from a Bachelor’s degree programme.
Any applicant can become an ŠAU student by submitting an officially certified copy of their school-leaving certificate or diploma confirming the achievement of an economically or technically oriented or related Bachelor's Degree.
Applicants for Bachelor's and follow-on Master's degree programme in English are admitted based on the ENTRANCE EXAM. In order to be admitted to studies at Škoda Auto University, the applicant are required to pass the entrance examination and to submit all the required documents. More details about the structure of entrance exam can be found in the relevant sections of the English programme admission procedure website.
The conditions for admission to study are defined in detail in the Rector´s Decision on Admission Procedures. The admission decision is made in writing within 30 days from the verification of the conditions for admission. Applicants will receive the invitation to enrolment together with the admission decision, alternatively later on separately.
Škoda Auto University accepts:
- Electronic applications: Submit your application
Prospective students with specific educational needs are advised to contact the study department prior to applying to study. The department, in cooperation with other University departments, will assess whether the University can provide study support and ensure the conditions for study in the chosen study programme or specialisation depending on the student’s particular type of specific educational needs. International applicants with specific educational needs may contact the International Office. Providing learning support to study applicants and students with special educational needs is regulated by the Rector’s Directive concerning Learning Support Provided to Applicants and Students with Special Educational Needs, available here:
Detailed conditions of the admission procedure for different types of study: