The Škoda Auto University library
The library is located on the ground floor of the building C (former monastery), room no. C 010
tel: +420 326 823 060
e-mail: knihovna@savs.cz
online katalog: https://savs.tritius.cz/
News from the Library
Opening hours during the semester.
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 8:00 - 12:00; 12:30 - 16:30
Tuesday 8:00 - 12:00; 12:30 - 18:00
Friday 8:00 - 12:00; 12:30 - 15:30
Saturday 8:00 - 13:00 (only when there are classes)
During the exam period, the library is closed on Saturdays.
About the Library
The Škoda Auto University library is a higher education library with a specialised book collection. The collection is composed with regard to the degree programmes and research activities of lecturers. It is a library focusing mainly on professional literature from the fields of economics, management, law and engineering. The primary aim of its activities is to contribute to improving the level of education of Škoda Auto University students as well as other library users. Documents are obtained mainly through purchase, including foreign publications.
Users have access to an online catalogue to look up document information. The library has modern IT technology with Internet access. The library collection consists of printed documents (books, periodicals, university text books, theses and language literature), multimedia, readers and digital information sources available to students and employees (including remote access).

ProQuest Ebook Central
Business Ebook Subscription is a collection of professional electronic monographs focused on economics - especially management, trade, finance, marketing, human resources, international trade, economic policy, capital markets and investment, corporate culture, banking and accounting - produced by major publishers such as AMACOM , Cambridge University Press, Emerald Group, International Development Research Center Publications (IDRC), John Wiley & Sons, Kogan Page, MIT Press, National Academies Press, Palgrave MacMillan, World Bank and others. You can also optionally request access to books from the field of IT, logistics and engineering.
For access choose Škoda Auto and use AIS credentials.

The database EMERALD OPERATIONS, LOGISTICS & QUALITY contains academic journals related to the management of operations, logistics and quality. It is intended for researchers and experts in the field.
For access choose Škoda Auto and use AIS credentials.

The database JSTOR BUSINESS II is a digital library of top international journals in the fields of economics, politics, law and psychology.
For access choose Škoda Auto and use AIS credentials.

Bookport is a database from the Grada publishing house that allows you to read more than 1,200 Czech professional books focused on business, finance, economics, law, taxes and accounting. It also contains titles from other publishing houses, e.g. Karolinum, MUNI, Práh, Portál.
For access choose Škoda Auto and use AIS credentials.

ProQuest Central
ProQuest Central is a multidisciplinary database of foreign literature. It offers access to expert information from business, economics, medicine, natural, social and human sciences, technology and the arts. Searchable full text of over 22,000 professional journals, full text of over 264,000 dissertations and 455,000 conference papers and reports, millions of current market, industry (BMI) and company reports, nearly 60,000 company (Hoover's) and country profiles (EIU), 150,000 case studies, over 2,000 newspaper titles.
For access choose Škoda Auto and use AIS credentials.

Taylor & Francis Open Access eBooks
Over 1150 available e-books published by TaF. Humanities, management, business, economics, social sciences. After entering the database, select Browse and select Open Access eBooks.
Access to the TaF Open Access eBooks database.
For access choose Škoda Auto and use AIS credentials.

The New ASPI (Automated Legal Information System) is a comprehensive tool for working with legislation, including follow-up professional publications, commentaries and law journals. Translated legislation into english is included. Accessible remotely (Office 365 authentication).

The National Digital Library in its segment Works Not Available on the Market offers full texts of documents (books, magazines, newspapers, etc.) published in the Czech Republic until 2007 (periodicals - editions until 2010). These are documents that are protected by copyright (ie 70 years have not passed since the author's death) and that are not available on the market. In addition, the full texts of documents that are so-called free (no longer protected by copyright) are accessible from the NDK interface.
For access chose eduID (right option) - Škoda Auto - AIS credentials.
Important files
Library Staff

The Škoda Auto University Library
is located on the ground floor of building C (former monastery), in room C 010