Intersections of the ACADEMIC and BUSINESS world in the field of CULTURE and DIVERSITY
BEYOND HORIZONS Conference is organised under the auspices
of the Rector of Škoda Auto University, Mr. Pavel Mertlík.
Please accept our warm invitation to this unique event!
Scroll down for more information.
Conference Aim
The aim of the BEYOND HORIZONS Conference is to bring together a broad international forum, academic and professional institutions and companies, and to show how these cooperate in today's rapidly expanding world, what are their common themes, interconnections and future possibilities and perspectives. As part of this event, it will be possible to attend sections focused on research but also practical solutions and sharing best practices.
Conference programme
Keynote Speakers

Jiří Nekvapil
Department of General Linguistics, Faculty of Arts, Charles University
Jiří Nekvapil is an Associate Professor at Charles University, Prague. He specializes in sociolinguistics, pragmatics, and discourse studies. His specific research interests lie in the issues of language interaction, Language Management Theory, language diversity in multinational companies, and the ethnomethodologically based analysis of media discourse. Among his recent co-authored books are Linguistic Choices in the Contemporary City and Dialogical Networks.

Jan Kotík
Culture, Change, Diversity & People Growth, SEAT S.A., Spain
Jan Kotík graduated from the Faculty of International Relations at the Prague University of Economics and Business. He also graduated with an MBA from Bradley University in the USA. He is passionate about interpersonal relations and developing everyone’s potential. Jan has gained experience in implementing DEI programmes in the automotive industry. Currently, he is employed by the Spanish car manufacturer SEAT S.A., focusing on connecting DEI programmes to ESG strategy.

Libor Štěpánek
Chair of the CASALC committee and representative in Cercles, Masaryk University
Libor Stepanek is an Assistant Professor of English and Director of the Masaryk University Language Centre, Brno, Czech Republic. He also works as an EAP teacher, researcher and teacher trainer in EMI and Creative Approach to Language Teaching (CALT). Libor promotes global perspectives in English language teaching, close collaboration between teaching and research, and teacher autonomy.
Tamah Sherman

Department of General Linguistics, Faculty of Arts, Charles University
Tamah Sherman is a researcher at the Czech Language Institute, Czech Academy of Sciences. Her work focuses on interaction and meta-linguistic behaviour, using the framework of Language Management Theory, Ethnomethodology, and Conversation Analysis. The particular focus of her investigation is on situations of multiple language use in the Czech Republic after 1989.
Vít Dovalil

Department of Germanic Studies, Faculty of Arts, Charles University
Vít Dovalil is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Germanic Studies at the Faculty of Arts of Charles University in Prague. He obtained his MA in German and Political Science at the Faculty of Arts, and in law at the Faculty of Law, Charles University. He earned his Ph.D. in 2004. His research interests include language management in the European Union with the focus on the case law concerning the language-related disputes. Besides, he explores language standardization and pluricentric languages. He also specializes in German grammar and in the status of German as a foreign and minority language in the Czech Republic.

Conference Date:
1st - 2nd June 2023
Conference Venue:
Škoda Auto University campus,
Na Karmeli 1457, 293 01 Mladá Boleslav,
Czech Republic
Pre-conference programme will start on 31st May 2023 with pre-conference session.
Cultural programme including afternoon meeting with projects partners.
The detailed programme will be specified during spring 2023.
Accompanying Event
Škoda Auto University organises International Week.
29th May 2023 – 2nd June 2023
This year we focus on the academic and business world in the field of culture and diversity. We would like to offer you an opportunity to experience our university, visit lectures and seminars, socialize with Škoda Auto University administrative and academic staff and take an active part in the programme.
The conference language is English.
Conference Sections
Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Critical Incidents
› CIs
in education
› CIs
in corporate practice
› Didactic
use of CIs
› CIs
as case studies
› CIs
as a tool for personal and professional development
Promoting Diversity in Corporate Practice
› Diversity management in companies
› Diversity
and inclusion in practice
› Language
management in companies
› Migration
issues – labour migration, integration
Promoting Diversity in Academic Practice
› Diversity
management in HEI
› Language
policies and organized (institutional) language management
› Hot
themes in the public debate / Current trends and challenges
› Modern
teacher professional development - skills and competences, trainings
Varied Approaches to Language Education in the Time of Globally Interconnected World
› Methodologies
and teaching/learning strategies
› Developing key
competencies – language, communication, soft-skills, intercultural
› Simple
language management in learning practice
› Autonomous
and life-long learning
› Plurilingual
issues – competencies, strategies, cultures in contact
› Needs
Scientific Committee
Prof. Dr. Phil. Dopris Fetscher (University of Applied Sciences Zwickau, Germany)
Mag. Dr. Martina Gaisch (University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria)
doc. PhDr. Karel Pavlica, Ph.D. (Škoda Auto University, Czechia)
Prof. Maurizio Pompella (University of Siena, Czechia)
Mgr. Dagmar Sieglová, M.S.Ed., Ph.D. (Škoda Auto University, Czechia)
Heli Simon, M.A. (Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences, Finland)
PhDr. Mgr. Libor Štěpánek (Masaryk University, Czechia)
Mgr. Emil Velinov, Ph.D. (Škoda Auto University, Czechia)
Organisational Committee
Ing. Barbora Bláhová
Ing. Denisa Římalová, M.A.
Mgr. Lenka Stejskalová, MBA
Personal data protection
Conference Organizers

Conference Venue
Škoda Auto University
Na Karmeli 1457
293 01 Mladá Boleslav