Science and Research
at ŠAU
In 2012, Škoda Auto University became a research organisation registered in the list of the Government Council for Research, Development and Innovation. Since 2017 the university has been registered in the List of Research Organizations (SVO) of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, which took over the management of the list.
Škoda Auto University is a collective member of the Czech Economic Society: www.cse.cz
Science and Research at ŠAU
In 2005, Škoda Auto University acquired accreditation for its follow-on Master’s degree programmes, proving among other things, that it has science and research potential. Further development of this potential continuously adapts its organizational and management processes, including personnel.
In 2007, the university founded its own internal grant agency with a relatively substantial budget (relative to the university’s size, number of students and share in the total budget).
Since 2015, theuniversity has been a recipient of support for specific university research (SVV) of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (Student Grant Competition - SGS).
In 2021 Škoda Auto University acquired the support for the Long-Term Conceptual Development of the Research Organization (DKRVO).
In 2023 Škoda Auto University Research Center was established as to pursues existing enterprises defined as Institutional Research.
The results of all projects are presented annually within the so-called Research Open Day, which is designed to better communicate the results of the university's research. These results are published in a number of professional domestic and foreign journals. Publications are entered into the national RIV database. Academics have also published and are publishing a number of national university textbooks.
One of the other goals of Škoda Auto University is to obtain doctoral studies and involve future doctoral students in external projects, the Student Grant Competition (SGS) and the Internal Grant Agency (IGA).

The scientific and research activities of Škoda Auto University are carried out in accordance with the document Škoda Auto University's Strategic Plan for the Period from 2021 and the document Implementation Plan of Škoda Auto University's Strategic Plan.
Publishing Activities
Publishing is an integral part of research and creative activities of the academic staff of ŠAU. The publishing activities have been growing in recent years. The collection of data on the results of publishing activities takes place continuously in the Academic Information System of ŠAU (AIS).
The results are also published annually in the Information Register of R&D results (RIV) as part of the R&D Information System operated by the Research, Development and Innovation Council.