
SVV Projects Archive

Sustainable transport, housing and nutrition through the eyes of Czech consumers (2022-2023)

Diversity and inclusion in companies in the automotive sector in the Czech Republic (2021 - 2022)

Sustainability in the practice of retail companies and in the behaviour of Czech consumers (2020 - 2021)

Analysis of selected impacts of charges for above-the-limit CO2 emissions on the corporate and national economy (2020-2021)

Factors influencing the motivation of foreigners' employees to integrate in the Czech Republic (2019 - 2020)

Green product of car manufacturers and its perception by different generations of Czech consumers (2018 - 2019)

Perception of green marketing by the young generation with application to the automotive market (2016 - 2017)

Analysis of breaches of the assumption of business continuity in the foreseeable future (going concern) in the financial statements of business entities in the Czech Republic (2015 - 2017)

Proposal for a concept of a system solution for the implementation of Sustainable Supply Chain Management (SSCM) of innovations in the market conditions of the 21st century (2015 - 2017)

Green Logistics Balanced Scorecard proposal for the automotive industry (2014 - 2016)


Sustainable transport, housing and nutrition through the eyes of Czech consumers


Project manager: Ing. Eva Jaderná, Ph.D.  
Number of researchers (academics/students): 3/5 
Research period: 2022-2023  
Project budget: 516 183 Kč
The project was supported by funds provided by the Ministry of Education.


Ing. Eva Jaderná, Ph.D.

Deputy head of Marketing and Management Department


Diversity and inclusion in companies in the automotive sector in the Czech Republic


Project manager: Mgr. Emil Velinov, Ph.D.
Number of researchers (academics/students): 3/4
Research period: 2021 - 2022
Project budget: 300 149 Kč 
The project was supported by funds provided by the Ministry of Education.    


Mgr. Emil Velinov, Ph.D.

Member of Marketing and Management Department


Sustainability in the practice of retail companies and in the behaviour of Czech consumers


Project manager: Ing. Eva Jaderná, Ph.D.
Number of researchers (academics/students)3/4
Research period: 2020 - 2021
Project budget: 300 149 Kč 
The project was supported by funds provided by the Ministry of Education.      


Ing. Eva Jaderná, Ph.D.

Deputy head of Marketing and Management Department

Analysis of selected impacts of charges for above-the-limit CO2 emissions on the corporate and national economy


Project manager: doc. Ing. Romana Čižinská, Ph.D.
Number of researchers (academics/students): 3/5
Research period: 2020 - 20221
Project budget: 82 505 Kč 
The project was supported by internal funds of ŠAVŠ. 


doc. Ing. Romana Čižinská, Ph.D.

Member of Finance and Accounting Department

Factors influencing the motivation of foreigners' employees to integrate in the Czech Republic


Project manager: Mgr. Eva Švejdarová, MBA, M.A., Ph.D.
Number of researchers (academics/students): 1/3
Research period: 2019 - 2020
Project budget: 228 133 Kč 
The project was supported by funds provided by the Ministry of Education.     


Mgr. Eva Švejdarová, MBA, M.A., Ph.D.

Head of Human Resources Management Department

Green product of car manufacturers and its perception by different generations of Czech consumers


Project manager: Ing. Eva Jaderná, Ph.D.
Number of researchers (academics/students): 2/4
Research period: 2018 - 2019
Project budget: 451 197 Kč 
The project was supported by funds provided by the Ministry of Education.       


Ing. Eva Jaderná, Ph.D.

Deputy head of Marketing and Management Department

Vnímání zeleného marketingu mladou generací s aplikací na automobilový trh


Project management: doc. Ing. Jana Přikrylová, Ph.D.
Number of researchers (academics/students): 3/4
Research period: 2016 - 2017
Project budget: 144 468 Kč 
The project was supported by internal funds of ŠAVŠ.       


doc. Ing. Jana Přikrylová, Ph.D.

Member of Marketing and Management Department

Analýza porušení předpokladu trvání podniku v dohledné budoucnosti (going concern) v účetních uzávěrkách podnikatelských subjektů v ČR


Project manager: doc. Ing. Jiřina Bokšová, Ph.D.
Number of researchers (academics/students): 2/3
Research period: 2015 - 2017
Project budget: 286 641 Kč 
The project was supported by funds provided by the Ministry of Education.


doc. Ing. Jiřina Bokšová, Ph.D.

Head of Finance and Accounting Department

Návrh koncepce systémového řešení implementace Sustainable Supply Chain Management (SSCM) inovací v tržních podmínkách 21. století


Project manager: Ing. David Homan, Ph.D.
Number of researchers (academics/students): 5/5
Research period: 2015 - 2017
Project budget: 348 252 Kč 
The project was supported by funds provided by the Ministry of Education.


Ing. David Holman, Ph.D.

Member of Production, Logistics and Quality Management Department


Green Logistics Balanced Scorecard proposal for the automotive industry


Project manager: Ing. David Staš, Ph.D.
Number of researchers (academics/students): 1/3
Research period: 2014 - 2016
Project budget: 207 666 Kč 
The project was supported by internal funds of ŠAVŠ.


Ing. David Staš, Ph.D.

Member of Production, Logistics and Quality Management Department