Department of informatics
The Department of Informatics focuses both on teaching the courses in the common core of study programmes, where the aim is to equip students with the necessary competencies in ICT, and specialised courses of the Business Economics and Management Informatics study programme. Members of this department teach the courses Information Systems, Informatics I, Algorithmisation and Programming, Technical Infrastructure and Network Technology, Basics of Process Management, Project Planning and Management in Information Systems, Data Analysis and Databases, Business Security and Data Protection, Corporate IT Management, Basics of Theoretical Informatics, Numerical Methods and Informatics II. The department also offers a number of optional, supplementary courses focusing on ICT. Members of the department regularly give lectures on ICT topics at secondary schools. The research activities of the department focus on projects such as algorithmisation, programming, cryptography, database technology and architecture, Big Data, modelling and analysis of corporate processes, corporate informatics, cognitive informatics, etc. The project partners are mainly ŠKODA AUTO a.s. and other universities.

Ing. Vladimír Beneš, Ph.D.
Vedoucí katedry informatiky
Vladimír Beneš is a graduate in Automation Technology from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the Czech Technical University in Prague (Ing.) and has a Ph.D. in Engineering Informatics from the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications of the Faculty of Transportation Sciences of the Czech Technical University in Prague. After starting his career, he devoted himself both to teaching and research and publishing activities in the Department of Numerical Mathematics of the Institute of Technical Mathematics of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague (teaching numerical mathematics, algorithmisation, programming and basic mathematical disciplines). At the same time, he worked in the Institute of Thermomechanics, Czech Academy of Sciences. Here he participated in the development of numerical methods and software in the field of flow (vibration of bodies in a flowing fluid, interaction of flowing fluid and flexible bodies with a variable boundary), application of the finite element method, e.g. Numerical Solution of Vibrations of an Elastic Structure in Viscous Flowing Fluid (London), or Numerical Solution of Fluid-Structure Interaction Using Finite Elements (Göttingen). As a programmer he worked with Škoda Plzeň, a.s., in the Turbines Department, on developing software for designers (parametrisation and graphical representation of surface areas of turbine blades). He was a co-researcher of approximately twenty grants (AVČR, FRVŠ, ČR, MŠMT, ČVUT). He is the author of several university textbooks and chapters in professional publications as well as one software improvement proposal. He supervised dozens of Bachelor and Diploma theses. He was one of the founders of a research and education IT lab (IBM i (iSeries, AS/400)).
- Numerical methods in flow, IBM Power Systems, cryptography, quantum computer
Courses at ŠKODA AUTO University:
- Informatics I
- Algorithmisation and programming
- Numerical Methods
- Basics of Theoretical Mathematics
- Technical Infrastructure and Network Technology

Ing. Martin Juhas
Member of Informatics Department
Martin Juhas is an expert in information technology and enterprise information systems. Martin has specialised in information technology since the late 1980s. He graduated from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the Czech Technical University in Prague in the field of Electronic Computers. In his career, he worked as an independent analyst-programmer, lecturer, head of software service department and application consultant. He worked in these positions in an automotive company and in an IT company that develops ERP information systems and offers comprehensive IT solutions. It was especially during his work for this IT company where Martin was able to gain a lot of experience in companies from different industries throughout the Czech Republic. In terms of teaching, he specialises in enterprise information systems, data processing and advanced IT skills. Martin has worked at ŠKODA AUTO University since it was founded in 2000.
- Information technology, enterprise information systems, database systems, security in IT, digital photography processing
Courses at ŠKODA AUTO University:
- Informatics (Bachelor’s)
- Information Systems (Bachelor’s)
- Computer Presentation and Digital Photography (Bachelor’s, Master’s)
- Informatics II (Bachelor’s, Master’s)
- IT in Business (Master’s)

prof. RNDr. Jaroslav Pokorný, CSc.
Member of Informatics Department
Jaroslav Pokorný has worked for ŠKODA AUTO University since 2019. He graduated from the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics at Charles University in the field of Numerical Mathematics. From 1971 to 1974 he worked as a system programmer at the Research Institute of Mathematical Machines (VUMS). Between 1974 and 1982 he worked at the Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Technical University as a specialist and later as a department head. Since 1982 he has worked in the Department of Software Engineering of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics at Charles University and since 1999 as a professor of informatics. He also contributed to teaching database courses at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the Czech Technical University between 1991 and 2013. From 1993 to 2006 he was the department head at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics at Charles University. Between 2008 and 2012, he was the Vice-Dean for Science and the Deputy Dean. He has always contributed significantly to research in informatics, as evidenced by more than 350 publications. In terms of teaching, he focuses on database courses, data organisation, query languages, XML, and recently graph databases. He has successfully raised dozens of graduates and doctoral students. He teaches data analysis and databases at the Department of Informatics. Jaroslav's hobbies mainly include music. He is president of the mixed choir Gaudium Pragense.
- Database technologies, database architectures, graph databases, Big Data
Courses at ŠKODA AUTO University:
- Data analysis and databases
- Data Engineering

prof. Ing. Václav Řepa, CSc.
Member of Informatics Department
Václav Řepa is a long-time university lecturer. He graduated from the Faculty of Management of the University of Economics in the field of Automated Systems of Management (Ing.). In 1992, he received the CSc. degree. In 2000, he was appointed docent of informatics by the Dean of the Faculty of Informatics and Statistics. In 2008, on the recommendation of the Scientific Council of the University of Economics in Prague, he was appointed Professor of Informatics by the President of the Czech Republic. He is a long-time lecturer at the Department of Information Technology of the University of Economics in Prague. In 2007, he founded the multidisciplinary field of study Cognitive Informatics. He taught at the Pan-European University in Bratislava and in doctoral studies at the University of Hradec Králové, University of Pardubice and Technical University of Liberec. He specialises in interfaces between informatics and management, especially in process management and related areas of information systems development and information modelling. He is a co-founder and chairman of the Board of Guarantors CEABPM (Central European Association for Business Process Management), member of the Steering Committee of International Conferences for Business Informatics Research, member of the programme committees of a number of international conferences and on the editorial boards of two international journals. He has worked with ŠKODA AUTO University since 2018, contributing to the concept and accreditation of the Bachelor's degree programme Business Economics and Management Informatics.
- Business informatics, process management, information systems development, project management.
Courses at ŠKODA AUTO University:
- Basics of process management (Bachelor's)

prof. Ing. Jiří Voříšek, CSc.
Member of Informatics Department
Jiří Voříšek is a Professor Emeritus at the University of Economics, Prague and professor at Skoda auto University. He received his PhD in management information systems from the University of Economics, Prague. He specialises in strategic management of information systems, systems integration, outsourcing and methodologies of IS design and implementation. He is author or co-author of eleven books and tens of textbooks, articles, and conference papers. He is founder and former President of the Czech Association for Systems Integration. He has cooperated with the National Economic Council of the Czech Government in 2010-2013. In 2013 he has been a member of the team which developed methodology of KPI’s usage in public sector. In 2011-2014 he has been a member of the Government Council for competitiveness and information society.
He has won a number of awards. For example: Second place in the nationwide poll "Personality of the Year - in the category of publicists and computer scientists" announced in connection with the international fair INVEX'96. Nomination among the 10 personalities of the year of Czech informatics and telecommunications in connection with the international fair INVEX 2007. In 2013, ranked by the CIO Comuterword magazine among the TOP 30 IT personalities of the Czech Republic. In 2019, he received the award of the Minister of the Interior of the Czech Republic for his long-term contribution to the development of eGovernment.
He currently teaches courses in business informatics management at SAVŠ and is an advisor to the Deputy Ministry of the Interior for ICT and leads one of the working teams of the eGovernment Cloud CR project.

Ing. Lukáš Herout, Ph.D.
Member of Informatics Department
Lukáš Herout graduated from the Faculty of Education of the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice with a Bachelor’s degree in Applied Informatics. He then went on to study Engineering Informatics at the Faculty of Applied Informatics at Tomáš Baťa University in Zlín, where he earned his Master’s degree in this field. He completed his education with a Ph.D. from the Faculty of Education at Charles University in Prague, where his dissertation focused on the use of electronic learning resources in education.
While still completing his studies, he gained valuable work experience outside the academic environment – in international IT companies operating in the Czech Republic (the Taiwanese technology company ASUS and ESET Software, the world leader in security products) and as part of long-term foreign work placements (in the USA, Brazil and elsewhere). As part of his academic career, he regularly lectures at foreign universities, where he focuses on the education of university teachers in the fields of pedagogy, didactics and the use of digital technologies in education.
In his teaching and research activities, he focuses mainly on interdisciplinary topics in information science related to the use of digital technologies in education, project and process management, information security, etc. In 2019–2020, he was a member of the National Advisory and Education Council for Agriculture and Rural Development (an advisory and initiatory body of the Minister of Agriculture). He is also a member of the editorial board of the peer-reviewed journal Socio-economic and Humanities Studies, which is included in the List of Peer-reviewed Journals without an Impact Factor Published in the Czech Republic and in the international databases ERIH PLUS and EBSCO.
- Digital technologies in education, electronic learning resources, part-time and distance education
Courses at ŠKODA AUTO University:
- Informatics I
- ICT management
- Project management
- Planning and management of information systems projects
- Business security and data protection