
Ethics Committee

The Škoda Auto University Ethics Committee was established to consider complaints regarding compliance with the Code of Ethics by the academic staff and employees of Škoda Auto University.

This is a permanent advisory body to the Director.

The Ethics Committee consists of five members of the academic community or of the university's employees and its session is closed to the public.


Jan Fábry from the Department of Production, Logistics and Quality Management was elected and appointed as the chairman of the ŠAVŠ Ethics Commission.


Code of Ethics 2024.pdf
Statutes and Rules of Procedure 2024.pdf


Ethics Committee Meetings

  • 5th February 2021, 1st meeting 
  • 25th October 2021, 2nd meeting 
  • 22th November 2021, 3rd meeting 
  • 21st November 2022, 4th meeting 
  • 21st November 2023, 5th meeting 
  • 24th May 2024, 6th meeting
  • 31st July 2024, 7th meeting

Ethics Committee

  • Jan Fábry; chairman
    since the 1st February 2024
  • Gabriela Benáková; member
    since the 1st February 2024
  • Josef Horák; member
    since the 1st February 2024
  • Lenka Rutterlová; member
    since the 1st February 2024
  • Hana Volfová; member
    since the 1st February 2024


Ethics Committee Secretary

  • Kristýna Heršálková; secretary
    since the 1st February 2024  

