After five years, the Erasmus+ Joint Enterprise University Learning (JEUL) project has been successfully completed
The Erasmus+ Joint Enterprise University Learning (JEUL) project was launched on October 15th, 2017. The JEUL project was intended to establish and develop long-term cooperation between the private sector and higher education institutions in China and Vietnam. In addition, the project aimed to influence how universities operate and enable them to draw information from enterprises’ perspectives on business. Last but not least, its purpose is to cultivate and utilise case studies drawn from the experience of companies, develop educational and learning methods, learn about the needs of enterprises and improve their curricula accordingly.
The following institutions were involved in the consortium: the University of Siena, University of Vilnius, University of Kent, Institut De Haute Formation aux Politiques Communautaires, Jiangnan University, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Banking University of Ho Chi Minh City and University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City.
The project’s primary outcome focused on improving the quality of higher education at the above-mentioned Asian universities and increasing its relevance to both countries’ labour markets and society. The project involved identifying the skills and knowledge requirements of graduates entering the business sector and subsequently revising the curricula to integrate such skills appropriately. Once the students had started their internships in companies, case studies were prepared and integrated into the curricula. The revised curricula and improved educational and learning methods have enabled graduates to acquire knowledge and skills that are more relevant to businesses and the labour market.
Due to its focus on practice-oriented learning, SKODA AUTO University has become an integral partner in the project, having been tasked with coordinating a work package focusing on the results of the student survey following their professional experience (internships) in companies and employer surveys. SAU organised a series of seminars for the university teachers of the four partner institutions. At these seminars, our lecturers and representatives of SKODA AUTO presented their experience in practice-oriented education. The seminars resulted in revised curricula for several subjects, which have subsequently been incorporated into the curricula of the partner universities and hundreds of students have attended them. SAU has drawn up a questionnaire to evaluate the upgraded courses, which have corroborated the demonstrable benefits of such courses for the students regarding their future practical application.
The project partners held their final meeting in Vietnam in mid-September this year; attended by the SAU Rector, doc. Mertlík and the organisational administrator of the project on behalf of the SAZ, Dr Lachman. He evaluated the project as follows, “The project has been considered successful, and we discussed with our partners the possibilities of further cooperation after its completion.”