ŠKODA AUTO University presents final outcomes of the Joint Enterprise University Learning (JEUL) project, Working Package 3 (WP3)
Four European and four Asian universities have been collaborating on the project. The aim of this program is to improve the quality of higher education at selected Chinese and Vietnamese universities, thereby increasing their relevance to local labour markets. JEUL has come to an end after four years of close cooperation of the project consortium. The partners developed planned outcomes, ŠKODA AUTO University was responsible as a leading partner for WP 3.
A team of academic staff of ŠKODA AUTO University, including the Rector, doc. Pavel Mertlík, CSc., cooperate on the project. „The aim of this whole project is, and the EU pays as a kind of assistance to Southeast Asia, to adapt the structure of study programmes, to adjust individual subjects, to implement new approaches in teaching and methodology at those partner schools in Asia, so that the results better correspond to the ideas of the business sector about what and how students should be prepared for their future working careers," said Pavel Mertlík. „The aim of WP 3 is to train East Asian colleagues and pass on to them our experience in how our university cooperates with industrial and other business partners. During workshops, trainings and excursions, we presented our programme of students´ internship, cooperation with partners within the so-called partnership concept, including practical demonstrations of activation teaching methods, the involvement of field experts in teaching, to provide some examples. “
An integral part of these workshops and seminars was intensive work with syllabi of study subjects. It was based on an extensive survey among Asian employers. Dozens of Chinese and Vietnamese companies were approached to provide feedback on the requirements for a 21st century graduate who is well prepared to enter the labour market. “During the work on the project, the Asian partners incorporated these requirements, the new methodology and approach to students´ assessment into a total of 30 syllabi of study subjects within the existing study programmes. Subsequently, a pilot lessons were conducted, followed by a survey and comparison of the effectiveness of the new curricula. As the survey showed, the changes were evaluated highly positively by both students and teachers. At present, teaching is already carried out according to innovated study plans,” adds Pavel Mertlík.
JEUL has entered its final phase. The partners are now waiting for the final annual meeting and the final evaluation of the project in autumn 2022.