Outgoing Staff
Škoda Auto University employees can go on mobility trips for the purpose of teaching or training as part of the Erasmus+ programme. The International Office helps mediate contact with partner universities.
Teaching mobility
2 days - 2 months
8 teaching hours during one week at our partner university
Training mobility
5 days - 2 months
The mobility must take place at a higher education institution holding the Erasmus+ Charter for Higher Education or at anz public or private organisation operationg in the labor market or in the field of education.
Examples: shadowing, practical or professional training, study visit, workshops or seminars.
Before departure
Provide International Office with Mobility Agreement for teaching/training (signed and stamped by the receiving institution)
Sign a Participant Contract
Apply for a business trip
During the mobility
Let sign Erasmus+ confirmation at a partner university (local International Office) or an institution
After the mobility
Provide International Office with Erasmus+ Confirmation
Fill in the online questionnaire (a link will be sent to your e-mail)