
Plenary Session

ICAI 2024

International Conference on Automotive Industry

13th June 2024, Škoda Auto University
9.40 – 13.00



  • Please accept our warm invitation to the plenary session of the ICAI 2024 conference, which is open to general public.
  • Four key note speakers* will present their presentations about the current state of the automotive industry.
  • The main partner of the plenary session is European Commission.
  • The Plenary Session Language is English.  

* may possibly change

  •   9.00 – 9.40      Registration of the Participants
  •   9.40 – 10.00    Conference Opening
  • 10.00 – 11.15       Plenary Session – Part I
  • 11.15 – 13.00       Plenary Session – Part II


Keynote Speaker's Profiles

Tommaso Pardi

Université Paris-Saclay / GERPISA


Tommaso Pardi is a sociologist, senior researcher at the IDHES (CNRS and Ecole Normale Supérieure of Paris-Saclay), and director of Gerpisa, the main international network of research in social sciences on the automotive sector. He has published extensively on the transformations of the automotive sector, covering work and employment related issues, market structures and regulations, industrial policies and company strategies. He has recently authored reports for the International Labor Organisation and the European Trade Union Institute on the future of work and the electrification of the automotive industry. His current main topics of research are the electrification and digitalisation (industry 4.0) of the automotive sector in France and at the European level.

Tommaso Pardi himself

Josef Schwarz

European Commission Representation in Czechia                       


Josef Schwarz works as an economic advisor at the Representation of the European Commission in Czechia. As a member of the Recovery and Resilience Task Force of the European Commission, he monitors the recovery of the Czech economy and the implementation of the national recovery plan. In his work, he focuses on the green and digital transition and its financing from the EU funds. His further areas of interest are research & innovation, regional development and just transition of Czechia’s coal regions.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

Josef Schwarz himself

Petr Knap

EY Czech Republic   


Managing consulting teams, building lasting client relationships at EY Consulting across the CEE region. Petr has led various projects in improving performance and managing risks focusing on automotive & manufacturing, telecommunications and public sector clients. He has worked for several automotive sector clients. Petr is an active speaker and commentator of current and emerging mobility topics. He gained his MBA at Warwick Business School and studied at the University of Economics, Prague, and is a PMI certified Project Management Professional.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

Petr Knap himself,
personal LinkedIn profile

Petr Dolejší

ACEA, European Automobile Manufacturers’ Association                       


He started his career within the public services on different posts, leaving the Ministry for Regional Development of the Czech Republic at the Head of Unit post to the Permanent representation in Brussels in 2004. He became a member of the Czech EU Presidency team in 2009 chairing the Competitiveness and Growth working party of the Council. In 2010 he joined ACEA and became a Director for Mobility and Sustainable transport, with a specific focus on CO2 policy, industrial policy and alternative powertrains.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         



Video Keynote Speaker

Petr Pavlínek

University of Nebraska – Omaha, USA / Charles University, Prague, Czechia

Professor Pavlínek completed his master's degree at Charles University in Prague (RNDr. title). He has an extensive foreign experience - he received his PhD degree at the University of Kentucky in the USA, after which he became a professor at the University of Nebraska at Omaha in the USA. He was also a visiting professor at Hokkaido University in Japan. His academic research focuses on the relationship between foreign direct investment, the automotive industry, and regional economic development. He is the author of four monographs published in the USA, Great Britain and Germany, and more than sixty research articles published in foreign academic journals and books.

Petr Pavlinek himself






Škoda Auto University
Na Karmeli 1457
293 01 Mladá Boleslav

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