The JEUL project goes live!
On January 10 th–17th 2020, the Erasmus+ Joint Enterprise University Learning (JEUL) annual meeting was held at ŠAVŠ, along with the Workshop on Embedding the Results of Enterprise Survey and Feedback from Student Placements.
The annual meeting was attended by representatives from all European partner universities, except for the host ŠAVŠ, University of Siena, University of Vilnius, University of Kent and representatives of partner schools from Vietnam and China, i.e. the Banking University of Ho Chi Minh City, University of Economics of Ho Chi Minh City, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, and Jiangnan University.
The meeting focused on procedural evaluation in separate stages of the project and planning further activities so that the newly joined Jiangnan University (replacing Nankai University) could fulfil all the tasks expected from Asian partners. The project coordinator from Siena asked the European Commission to extend the project solution by one year. The decision has not been delivered yet.
The two-day meeting was followed by a five-day workshop during which lecturers from ŠAVŠ and ŠKODA AUTO shared and exchanged their experience with representatives from Asian universities, taking into account the survey results between Asian and Vietnamese companies as well as the students results from Asian universities from internship experience at selected universities. At the end of the week, the representatives of the partners implemented newly acquired knowledge into the curriculum of selected subjects they teach at home universities. We look forward to further cooperation and meetings!